Carceral Geography Working Group AGM 2024

The CGWG Annual General Meeting will take place on 3 September at 13:00 CEST. The AGM will take place online via Zoom. Registration is available via Eventbrite here.

All welcome. As well as the formal business of running the working group, it’s a great opportunity for us to meet and hear from the wide range of researchers who are linked to our network. We are particularly keen to hear feedback on our CGWG events and to discuss plans for our 6th International Conference.

If you wish to send agenda items for discussion, please email our secretary Lara Palombo ( by Friday 23rd August. This is especially encouraged for any members where the time-zone does not allow attendance – we will happily provide feedback on the discussion around your point of interest.

Zoom information will be sent via email to ticketed attendees before the meeting. We look forward to seeing you at our AGM.

The Carceral Geography Working Group is also looking for new committee members to fill the following positions:

Chair (3 year term)


  • Co-ordinating meetings of the committee and Advisory Board to develop CGWG activities (2 per year, ad hoc meetings with activity co-ordinators as needed)
  • Overseeing activities in relation to events, publications and networking and delegating tasks to appropriate committee/advisory board members (approx. 1 hour (averaged) per week)
  • Preparing for and chairing the AGM (4 hours, annually)
  • Preparing the Annual Reporting documents for the RGS (2 hours, annually)
  • Attending RGS sub-committee meetings (2-3 per year, online)

Candidates for the Chair position must be a Fellow or Postgraduate Fellow of the RGS-IBG. Financial support for Fellowship is available for eligible candidates via the RGS-IBG Research Group executive role bursaries scheme. If you are interested in this committee position but would require this support, details are available here.

We also have one vacancy on our Advisory Board (5 year term) for those who wish to be involved with the CGWG but who may not wish to take on an executive committee position.


  • Attend AGM and one-other dedicated Advisory Board meeting per year to offer opinions/suggestions for the development of CGWG activities (4 hours per year)
  • Circulate CGWG events/information via personal and professional networks (as needed)
  • Offer additional support for the committee (as appropriate to experience and availability, as necessary) for tasks such as attending/chairing events; abstract selection; CGWG prize assessment; ECR programme development; support for non-academic engagement (1-2 hours per month).