Our events programme is designed to showcase carceral geography research, share knowledge, and promote networking between researchers.
The International Conference for Carceral Geography is currently held every two years. We also organise themed sessions at conferences of groups including RGS-IBG, IGU, Nordic and AAG.
View details of upcoming and past conferences.
Early Career Perspectives
The Early Career Perspectives in Carceral Geography online seminar series showcases the work of early career researchers in carceral geography.
Find out more about the Early Career Perspectives seminar series.
Explorations in Carceral Geography
Explorations in Carceral Geography is a participatory and interdisciplinary seminar series, which aims to provide the time and space to engage in an in-depth way with scholarship on the carceral or on topics that are of interest for carceral researchers.
View details of the Explorations in Carceral Geography seminar series.
Get involved
If you would be interested in attending our events or presenting your research, please contact us.